Blockchain Developer Ultimate roadmap — it is not as difficult as you think

There are plenty of different roadmaps for full-stack, fronted & backend developers. Some of them are created just in point, very accurate…

Blockchain Developer Ultimate roadmap — it is not as difficult as you think

There are plenty of different roadmaps for full-stack, fronted & backend developers. Some of them are created just in point, very accurate, others are not detailed enough.

Lack of details and resources can lead to quick and skipped learning process without any deep understanding of the subject.

It often ends like being stacked in tutorial hell. Nobody, who wants to be a successful programmer wants to do everything like “copy and paste”.

That’s why this material was done, to prevent wasting time and have a sketch of process to become blockchain developer or “more accurate” name — web3 developer.


  • intro,
  • What does blockchain developer?
  • Roadmap,
  • Ethereum development ecosystem

What does blockchain developer?

It is not a secret that web3 developer is focused on building technology which is basing on blockchain. However, what it exactly means?

Every decentralized application (dapp) is using blockchain for data processing. It is one of the most fundamental requirements for blockchain developer — to build and maintain these kind of dapps.

Other things, web3 dev can do, is creating smart contracts, which are the fundamentals of every dapp, NFTs and DeFi.

More about smart contracts you can read in my latest thread:

Any informations about NFT are included below:

With every day, requirements for web3 developers are changing. Blockchain is a very fresh technology, which has different trends. Nowadays it is focused on NFTs, DeFi, metaverse, gaming. What will be in the next few years?

It is hard to predict, so if programmer starts learning web3 today, he will be an expert in the future. Blockchain gives huge opportunities for not only investors and casual users, but also developers.


Every developer should know basics of the technology which he is learning, it is not like that theory is not boring. It really is very boring, but it is needed to build basic knowledge.

It is not required to waste time on constant learning. Just get acquainted with the technology and develop it while building.

Every web3 developer should know basics of web development, assuming it is known, it can be started.

Start with blockchain basic theory

When I started to learning blockchain, just read one article and jumped into crazy tutorial of dapp development. It was a mistake, which caused me wasting time. Did not know why I have to use a wallet, sign transactions, etc.

Learn basics, really fundamental things. Make some drawings, sketches.

Blockchain basics are attached on my previous material:

Dedicate maximum few hours, then build your own blockchain with beloved programing language. Sounds crazy, I did it with JavaScript and typescript.

Below you can find a repo:

GitHub - Kacper-Hernacki/juliett-coin: Blockchain with javascript
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. In the project directory, you can run: Runs the app in the…

Learn the stack for Dapps

Just jump into technology, which is required to build decentralized applications. Choose the programming language for smart contracts, the most famous one is Solidity, which is like a combination of C++, Python and JS.

Link for solidity docs:

Solidity - Solidity 0.8.15 documentation
When deploying contracts, you should use the latest released version of Solidity. Apart from exceptional cases, only the…

Learn basics of smart contracts

There are a lot of great resources, the one I highly recommend is:

#1 Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course | CryptoZombies
CryptoZombies is The Most Popular, Interactive Solidity Tutorial That Will Help You Learn Blockchain Programming on…

Tutorial teaches solidity while playing a game.

Go through first chapters, it will be sufficient for easy dapps.

Create first dapp

Choose the first dapp, for example simple todo list which is totally decentralized. Sounds weird, but it will teach a lot. Check dappuniversity channel on YouTube. There are great tutorials to do it.

Dapp University
Learn to build decentralized apps on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Use remix to get fun with smart contracts

remix is an online IDE for managing smart contracts, testing it and deploying. It is highly recommended for very basic code, for example creating NFTs. Create one, attach it on OpenSea.

Link for remix:

Remix - Ethereum IDE

Learn truffle/hardhat

learn one of above technology to scale your web3 projects, manage it better and more efficient. It will make a deployment very easy, debugging so quickly, testing very comfortable. Totally must have in web3 development.

Links for these tools:


Hardhat | Ethereum development environment for professionals by Nomic Foundation
Easily deploy your contracts, run tests and debug Solidity code without dealing with live environments. Hardhat Network…


Home - Truffle Suite
The Truffle Suite gets developers from idea to dapp as comfortably as possible. SMART CONTRACTS MADE SWEETER A world…

Learn connecting blockchain with frontend

To build dapp which is dedicated to users, it is needed to display it correctly. It can be done with JavaScript libraries like ethers.js/web3.js. It is practically impossible to build real project without UI.

These libraries easy connect UI with data from blockchain on frontend side. It makes displaying data so easy and smooth. Below are attached links:

web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API - web3.js 1.0.0 documentation
web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or…
The ethers.js library aims to be a complete and compact library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its…

Ethereum development ecosystem:

- Solidity/JavaScript

- Truffle/hardhat

- Web3.js/ethers.js

- MetaMask

- Ganache

- Remix

- React JS

- Node JS

Visit my 100 days of web3 challenge repo, to get every article and thread. Soon even practical projects!

GitHub - Kacper-Hernacki/100-days-of-web3-challenge-blockchain-free-materials: This is the repo…
This is the repo which consists 100 topics about blockchain/ decentralisation/ web3. There are links to my articles,…